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  • Syntho glass - Scar Guard

Syntho Glass - Scar Guard

Update Terakhir
12 / 11 / 2021
Min. Pembelian
1 Meter


PT. Surrama Tridaya Mandiri adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang usaha importir , distributor alat-alat instrument : flowmeter, gas detector, control valve, safety valve, pressure reducing valve, dll

Detail Syntho Glass - Scar Guard

The patented Scar-Guard® line of products was designed to protect field joint coatings from
the abrasion stresses and scarring of directional drilling, HDD and boring. Scar-Guard creates
an abrasion resistant, sacrificial outer laminate which protects pre-approved field joint coatings
and mainline coating such as epoxies, shrink sleeves, and FBE. Controlled set times,
packaging and extreme conformability provide for efficient installations in any project environment.
The Scar-Guard line of products minimize the potential for costly spot repairs or repulling
pipe while providing the best mechanical protection of the underlying field-joint and
mainline coatings.
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